Brighton and Hove Albion have submitted updated plans for their proposed New Monks Farm development, which were originally submitted in the summer. The revised application includes:
Design revisions to the residential layout including a reduction in the density of the south western residential area.
Reason: In order add interest to some of the street scenes and reduce visual effects of the eastern most extent of residential development -
Reduction in the proposed roof height of the IkEA store from 13.10m (17.6m AOD) to 12.14m (16.64m AOD).
Reason: In order to reduce the development’s visual effects on the character of the South Downs National Park and heritage assets. - Inclusion of a footpath (2049) along the River Adur within the application site red line and proposed widening of the footpath.
Reason: In order to provide improve pedestrian and cycle facilities and facilitate connection with proposed footpath/bridleway to Coombes Road via A27 flyover. -
Increased area of mudflats provided alongside the River Adur to provide a net overall increase.
Reason: In order to further mitigate the area of mudflats that would otherwise be lost by the proposed development of a Pumping Station on the River Adur. - Proposed additional widening of existing ditches through the Application Site.
Reason: In order to improve the ecological value of the ditches as mitigation.Application Site.
The Environmental Statement has been amended by what is called Further Information to the Environmental Statement (FIES) - effectively a response to all the consultation responses to the planning application.
You can make representation and comments on the proposals until Saturday 17th February 2018. You can do that here: https://planning.adur-worthing.gov.uk/online-applications/ by searching for AWDM/0961/17, which is the same as the original planning application number. If you have already sent in a letter that does not prevent you from being able to send another letter responding to these changes.