Message from Martin Allen, Chairman of The Ropetackle Trust
We would like to invite you to a reception at Ropetackle Arts Centre on Thursday 26th October at 6pm, to mark the launch of our exciting new Business Friends scheme.
I attach details of the scheme, which is open for membership now.
We are delighted to be joined by several key speakers at the reception, including:
- Tim Loughton MP
- Andrew Comben (CEO of Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival)
- Alex Bailey (Chief Executive Adur-Worthing Councils)
- Rodney Lunn (CEO Shoreham Port Authority)
The reception is kindly supported by Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce.
RSVP to: [email protected]
A request for support.
As part of our 2016 funding negotiations, Adur Council commissioned an ‘economic impact’ report which showed that expenditure in the local economy, by those attending Ropetackle, amounts to c£900,000 per year, in addition to the range of other benefits which Ropetackle provides to the area and the community.
In relation to our 2018 bid, the Council requires additional evidence of Ropetackle’s value.
We are hoping therefore, to get some statements of support from local businesses, yourselves included. In particular, we would love to hear whether you feel Ropetackle is a valuable asset to the local area and economy, and, if your business derives any direct or indirect benefit from it.
Can I ask you therefore, if you would kindly complete the attached short questionnaire, and return it to Ropetackle Centre, or alternatively, complete it online at:
I very much look forward to welcoming you to Ropetackle, and to our new community of Business Friends.
Martin Allen
Chairman – The Ropetackle Trust