Conservatives in Government


Taking back control of our waters

Today, the Government set out its plan for how the UK will take back control of our waters and ensure stocks are fished sustainably. Currently, the UK is permitted to fish less than 50% of the fish within our own territory whilst European fisherman overfish our waters meaning our stock is depl

£20 million investment to help tackle loneliness

As part of our plans to build a more caring society we will announce a £20 million investment to help tackle loneliness, building on Jo Cox’s legacy and helping charities fight social isolation.  Charities and community groups will get £20 million of new funding to help isolated people and tho

£30M for a Rough Sleeping Initiative

83 areas will share £30 million to boost the immediate support available to people living on the streets and help them into accommodation, including £271,094 for Worthing.  Councils across England with the highest numbers of rough sleepers will receive a share of this funding to significa

World Enivornment Day

Today, is #WorldEnivornmentDay 2017 was Britain’s greenest year ever and the Conservatives are determined to protect the environment for future generations. These are some ways in which we’re proudly protecting our environment and wildlife.

Improving the Mental Health Act

The independent review of the Mental Health Act was set up to look at how the legislation in the Mental Health Act 1983 is used and how practice can improve. British Sign Language version of the report The interim report gives an update on the review’s findings and the areas it will look at next.

Britain bites back in the fight against loan sharks

The government has announced plans to crack down on loan sharks to help and protect the most vulnerable, as we build a fairer economy and a more caring society, including more funding to tackle unlawful lending, and an increase in the amount of money seized from loan sharks to support those mos

Myth Busting: School Funding

Myth 1: The Government cutting school funding No. We are putting more money into our schools than ever before. School funding will rise from just under £41 billion this year to £43.5 billion in 2019-20.