Pupils attending Swiss Gardens School are being affected by the dangerous traffic on the busy Old Shoreham Road.
Tamsin Haskins and other residents, who have formed the A Safer Old Shoreham Road campaign group (www.asosr.co.uk), organised a follow-up meeting at Swiss Gardens School earlier this month.
I attended along with County Councillor, Debbie Kennard, Adur Council Leader, Neil Parkin, County Council highways officer, Mike James, and about 50 residents.
Previously, the County Council agreed a lollipop patrol but to date no one has applied for the job. Anyone out there who needs a part-time job?
With the added pressures of additional pupils attending Swiss Gardens School and a big development at Ropetackle North on the cards the County Council have offered to look at traffic safety measures again. We have agreed that a temporary flashing speed indicator (SID) sign will be installed and traffic data monitored. We are also speaking to Hyde Housing to see what plans they have for dealing with road safety if their housing plans go ahead, which could provide funding for improvements. We will keep residents posted.