I wanted to give a brief update on the EU renegotiations. This week the Prime Minister, David Cameron, came back from intensive negotiations with his colleagues in Europe and the President of the Council of the European Union, Donald Tusk, and put forward a set of draft proposals for a renegotiated relationship between the United Kingdom and the EU. The draft proposals will form the basis of negotiations between heads of government in the EU countries on the 19th February 2016 and whatever is agreed to - if it is agreed to - will be put before UK Parliament and could lead to a referendum as early as 23rd June 2016. I am going to wait until I see the final proposals before making a decision - the devil will be in the details.
There were some good things the Prime Minister brought back, such as ending our obligation to "ever closer union", but there were things that were not adequately addressed, for example the draft proposals did not stop migrant workers in the UK being able to send child benefit back to their children in another country.
I have said all along that I hope to stay in on the basis that we achieve substantial reform, but will probably vote to Leave out on the basis that I was not overly optimistic on what the Prime Minister would come back with. My position has not changed and I will need a lot more convincing than what these draft proposals show to vote to Remain. I am going to reserve judgement until the ink has dried on the paper. If we do have a settlement after the 19th February, I will look at it closely and say what my position is going to be and whether I am going to be part of a vote Leave or a vote Remain campaign.
I want to hold a series of 'Talk to Tim' public meetings around the constituency, we started in January with a well attending meeting in Sompting, to have a proper debate amongst local people about the implications of leaving and/or what these draft proposals will mean if we remain.