Tim Loughton MP (East Worthing and Shoreham) is supporting the ‘Stolen Valour’ Bill.
The Bill, introduced as a Private Members’ Bill by Gareth Johnson MP, if passed into law would prohibit the wearing or public display by a person not entitled to do so of medals or insignia awarded for valour with the intent to deceive. The Bill has also received the backing of the Defence Secretary and other senior ministers.
There have been a number of incidents where people have pretended that they have been awarded medals when they have not. Currently there is no law to prevent people from doing this. This Bill aims to change that and those caught will face arrest and prosecution.
Tim Loughton said:
“The Bill aims to outlaw the increasing problem of so called ‘Walter Mittys’ wearing medals they have not earned intending to deceive and curry favour. It can be deeply offensive for people to claim they are heroic and have been awarded military medals when they have not.
“We must put an end to practices that undermine veterans who have legitimately been awarded medals. I know my constituents in East Worthing and Shoreham take this very seriously, especially around the Remembrance Day, and are aware of just how insulting this is to our genuine veterans.
“However the Bill would not prevent the wonderful custom of families wearing medals in honour of loved ones. Instead it aims to provide protection for genuine heroes that is enjoyed in many other countries but not our own.”
You can read more about the Bill and the debates on it so far here: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2016-17/awardsforvalourprotection.html
You can read here the Government declaring its support: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-supports-awards-for-valour-protection-bill