"I have received no notification from the ICO about any complaint against me let alone the nature of the complaint or what they have done about it. Nor have I received any communication from Councillor Everleigh though as usual she has rushed to castigate me on social media as she has been doing on a regular basis over the last year. She apparently claims that I have been ‘vilifying her’ on social media though has been unable to identify when and how as I have avoided referring to her at all let alone ‘vilifying her’ but it apparently suits her to make out that she is the victim.
"I have today contacted the ICO urgently requesting details of exactly what is the basis of the complaint and what material Councillor Everleigh has provided as well as making my own complaint as to the basis on which they can make a judgement without even notifying the person accused let alone seeking clarification. I take the requirements of Data Protection very seriously and despite dealing with hundreds of emails and letters every day I have never had any complaint against me requiring any action upheld by the ICO.
"This is another desperate attempt by the Chairman of the Parish Council to deflect attention away from her complete failure to deal with the anti-social and criminal behaviour in the village and blame anyone else who dares to try to provide solutions. It also comes on the back of the latest revelation that she has been caught red-handed conspiring with fellow UKIP and Labour councillors to ‘gerrymander’ local elections in the hope of doing a grubby deal to prevent Conservative candidates being elected.
"The truth is that Councillor Everleigh hijacked a survey which I sent out to Lancing residents asking for constructive feedback about what could be done about anti-social behaviour on Lancing Beach Green. Many people constructively sent back helpful responses in the hope this would lead to action by Lancing Parish Council. In contrast Councillor Eveleigh resorted to her usual gratuitous abuse specifically targeted at me in the second person having of course already warned Parish Councillors that ‘anyone proven to be actively colluding’ with me ‘runs the risk of being publicly disciplined.’ I challenge her now to publish the full record of what she said in that survey and let local people judge whether she is remotely fit to serve in a position of public office."