Tweet Thursday, 14 September, 2017 Local News New Monks Farm Public Meeting - Part 4 New Monks Farm Development Current New Monks Farm Development National Issues Your details End Leave this field blank 1.1. How were you made aware of the New Monks Farm plans? 1.2. Do you feel the developers have given you enough information/consulted enough? Not at all To some extent Very much so 1.3. Overall how do you feel about the development? Totally in Favour Somewhat in Favour Somewhat Opposed Totally Opposed 1.4. What do you think could be changed in the plans to make them more acceptable? 1.5. What are the best parts of the plans? 1.6. What are the worst parts of the plans? 1.7. What do you think about the number of houses proposed in the plans? Too many About right Too few 1.8. How could the mix of houses be improved? I.e. more/fewer affordable units, more/fewer rented units, etc. 1.9. Do you think that a new school should be built next to the A27 as part of the plans or would it be better to redirect the funds to expanding schools elsewhere and use the space for something else? Build new school Expand existing schools 1.10. Do you support the inclusion of an IKEA superstore on the site? Strongly Support Somewhat Support Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose 1.11. Are you confident that the A27 can accommodate additional traffic from customers? Very Confident Somewhat Confident Not Very Confident Not At All Confident 1.12. Have you had any trouble insuring your current property due to flood risk? Yes No 1.13. Have you had any problems with flooding or sewer failure with your property? Yes No