I am sure that everyone was deeply shocked by the terrible murder of 6 year old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes which rightly dominated the headlines at the end of last week. It is incomprehensible that any human being should inflict such sadistic torture and suffering on any child, let alone one in their care. What is more shocking is that this horrific and cruel child abuse is not an isolated incident, it is just that only a few make the news.
For me, having focussed on child safeguarding policy for most of my time in Parliament, most notably as Children’s Minister, there was a depressing sense of déjà vu. I found myself in great demand for media interviews last weekend to explain what had gone wrong and how this had happened again. Listening to all the commentators and my own words, it struck me that our language was little different from that used over 10 years ago in response to the Baby P murder, or 20 years ago with Victoria Climbie. Familiar failings were evident with little Arthur.
I am glad that the Government has set up a national review to learn urgently how the system allowed this murder to happen. My ask however is that it would be better first to review why the findings of so many previous reviews have not been acted on or if they have, what went wrong with them. In 2010 we published the findings of previously secret but crucially important Serious Case Reviews so everyone could learn from these incidents. In 2011 the Munro Review I commissioned scrapped many of the excessive regulations that meant social workers were spending up to 80% of their time in front of computer screens rather than out eye-balling challenging families and spending face to face time with the vulnerable children they want to protect.
We will never stop evil people waging such violence on children, whatever their warped motivation. But we must do better in making the opportunities much more difficult and intervene earlier.
On a happier note regarding children it was great to host a virtual visit to Parliament for pupils of the Vale School in Findon Valley who had some very good questions about what on earth MPs actually do. It will be wonderful to be able to welcome school parties and other local groups back for real tours of Parliament again soon and I hope to be able to host local schoolchildren for work experience opportunities again next year.
My last scheduled surgery of the year will be at Southwick this week. If you would like an appointment, please call the Shoreham constituency office. Then on Saturday it will be the last street surgery of the year at the Shoreham Farer’s Market from 10am. Have your Santa hats at the ready!